domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

Programming Windows - Charles Petzold

Programming Windows, book, ebook, e-book, PDF, Adobe, download, free, library, online
Three weeks back, I wrote about the pending release of programming legend Charles Petzold’s most recent book, the 6th edition of the classic Programming Windows. Well, that day has finally arrived! And if you buy now, you can get in cheap. Really cheap. Programming Windows Sixth Edition is available now in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats. If you buy between now and May 31, 2012, the cost is an astonishing low $10. And the price goes up over time, so act fast: From June 1, 2012 until sometime in July, the cost will be $20. And then $30, and the eventually the book will reach its final and normal cost of $50. The catch is that this is a book in progress. So the version you’re getting today is the so-called Consumer Preview version, and it covers 7 chapters over 294 pages (described below), focusing on C# and XAML technologies. Mr. Petzold will be updating the book over time, with a Release Preview version expected sometime in July and then the final version later in the year. Anyone who buys the book qualifies for free upgrades to future versions. So if you buy today, you’ll get the subsequent revisions as they are published.

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